Current Happenings

We are a family homestead continually learning how to do things better. We’ve been growing our own food for over 20 years and homeschooling our kids since the day they started learning.

Many things have changed over the years, most of all the addition of 2 children. But throughout our journey several things have remained the same…including our belief that we’ve been called to take care of our environment and we’ve been called to take care of our bodies.

We also believe these two go hand-in-hand; working in symbiosis. This website will chronicle our journey down the homesteading road. We’ll share with you the tips and tricks we’ve learned, including the things that don’t work as well as the things that have inspired us to continually improve upon what we’re doing

Thanks for riding along. We appreciate you reading and sharing our blog.

We also appreciate your feedback and sharing your experiences as we all spur one another along! 

Theme: Overlay by Kaira